菲奧Fiorentini產品展示 先導式氣體壓力調節器直接作用氣體壓力調節器住宅氣體壓力調節器氣體閥氣體過濾器氣體調節器安全設備控制氣體閥多相流量計量氣體智能儀表隔膜計工業計量體積轉換器孔板配件智能氣體網格早期設備(FPSO / FPU )井生產單位天然氣加工廠GOSP海底瓦斯壓縮站/加壓壓縮機站氣體輸送站LNG終端FSRU油氣管道氣體儲存燃氣發電廠海上發電工業實用重工業海水淡化煉油廠天然氣配送單位現場服務遠程服務
Aperflux 101The Aperflux 101 is a pilot-controlled pressure regulator for medium and high pressure.
Aperflux 851The Aperflux 851 is pilot-controlled pressure regulator for medium and high pressure applications.
ApervalAperval is a pilot-controlled pressure regulator for medium and low pressure applications.
Aperval 101The APERVAL 101 is a pilot-controlled regulator for low- and medium-pressure applications.
DixiDixi is pilot-controlled pressure regulator for medium and low pressure
Dixi APThe DIXI AP pressure regulator is a regulator for medium and high pressures.
Reflux 819Reflux 819 is a downstream pilot-controlled pressure regulator for medium and high pressure applications
Reflux 819/FOReflux 819 is a downstream pilot-controlled pressure regulator for medium and high pressure applications.
Reval 182The Reval 182 is a pilot-controlled pressure regulator for medium and low pressure
Terval/AThe Terval is a pilot-controlled regulator for medium and low pressure suitable for use with pre-filtered non-corrosive gases.